The Destination is an ode to curiosity, showcasing the variety of paths one can take and the myriad of subjects waiting to be discovered. Each planet or star represents a domain waiting to be explored.
As passionate individuals, we often find ourselves deeply immersed in a subject, dedicating our free time to it for months or even years.
The concept of a destination is not just about reaching an end point but encompasses the entire journey towards it.
Finally, the title itself is a nod to our first collaboration, The Source.

Traits | Options |
Planets | 1, 2, 3 |
Suns | 0,1,2,3 |
Dwarft Planets | None, Few, Many |
Satellites | Yes, No |
Stars | None, Few, Many, Plentiful |
Style | 0, 1, 2, 3 |
Palette | Milky Way, Andromeda, Triangulum, Sombrero, Whirlpool, Bode, Cigar, Antennae, Centaurus A |
Paper Color | 460 nm, 790 nm, 480 nm, 500 nm, 560 nm, 610 nm, 490 nm, 395 nm, 430 nm |
A Collaboration
We are living in Montpellier, south of France.
This project is also the story of our friendship. Of Matthieu, who loves to paint watercolours and has a connection to the physical side of art, and Camille, who is fascinated by mathematics and shaders. Together, we have combined our passions to bring this series to life.

A wonderful event in Paris

- 100 editions
- Publication date: February 21-24st to Bright Moments
- Authors: Camille Roux and Matthieu Segret
- Credits: glsl-noise, glsl-random, glsl-aastep, fx(stdio), SDF code snippets from Inigo Quilez